Integrated Marketing

The average American is exposed to between 4,000-10,000 ads per day.  Most research shows the average consumer needs to be exposed to an ad at least 7-8 times before the message really sinks in.  In a world where people are inundated with ads and messages, and consumers become numb to all that “noise,” your brand must stand out enough to capture their attention and make them want to learn more – or be savvy enough to reach them when they are in the market for your product or service.  

Marketing is most effective at the intersection of consumer needs states and insights, effective content/creative, advanced data and measurement, and strategic innovation.  It truly requires the balance of art and science – the art will help your brand stand out from the competition in a crowded market where consumers can choose to engage or ignore… and the science will ensure you’re reaching the right audiences with the right message in the right places.  By taking a full-funnel approach and ensuring you’re reaching the consumer at every phase of their decision journey process, your brand will be better positioned to connect emotionally and practically with your target audience. 

That’s why effective marketing is crucial for the success of any business. It can help companies  build brand recognition, generate leads and new customer acquisition, foster customer loyalty, antecede the competitors, and ultimately generate revenue. With the right marketing strategy in place, companies can achieve their goals and grow their business in a sustainable way.

While I’ve developed and executed holistic and integrated marketing strategies for a range of brands and businesses, the following example showcases the creative utilized for the launch of a start-up business wherein all creative assets and the media mix strategy had to be developed from scratch.